Not by Sight
Dear Friend,
A few days ago my grandmother made her grand exit from this side to the other into the Father’s arms in Heaven. As I reflected on her passionate life of serving the Lord, I thought about how she walked the majority of her life blind. And I cannot remember a time that she complained about it! She was content and satisfied. Granny Poo lived independently for 95 years! Now that’s a testament by itself!
The word clearly states that we must walk by Faith and not by sight (see 2 Corinthians 5:7) and beloved she did just that! She overcame numerous challenges and many that would’ve taken even the strongest out! Cancer, death of a child, heart issues just to name a few. But she truly had an intimate relationship with THE ONE who was in control. Granny Poo understood her authority, stood in righteousness, and remained at peace through it all because of Jesus Christ and help of the Holy Spirit!
When situations arose she couldn’t throw her money at it. Or travel to show her face. She couldn’t pick apart non-verbal clues and gestures while engaged in face to face conversations to determine the intent. All she had was her faith in God and knowing that God heard every prayer! I asked myself same would I engage in a conversation if I couldn’t see someone’s face? Or what would my reaction be if I only had limited options to support in my own strength? Am I truly trusting in God or myself? If it’s about me then it is not about faith in Him. If I’m not walking by faith then it’s walking by fear...and fear only produces fleshly outcomes that yield a fruitless return.
So as I as encourage you I encourage myself...let’s ask the Holy Spirit to help us not focus on what we see going on around us and put OUR full weight on Him! The truth is either we believe Him or we don’t. And His Word says that He will help us with our unbelief but let’s remaining willing and hopeful.
Mark 9:24-25
“What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.”The father instantly cried out, “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!”
Life isn’t easy, but His Grace (unmerited, undeserved favor) will carry the weight and load for us along this journey! We don’t have to see and know all in order to succeed. We just have to stay intimately connected to The One who does!!
In the words of Granny Poo, she ended every conversation with this simple phrase.
Hug, hug! Love, love! Kiss kiss! And goodbye for now...