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I Will Trust God, Again.

Dear Friend,

Our number one enemy is fear (Fear is a verb and a noun. It is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat or be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening)! Fear is associated with anxiety who also has an associate named worry, who wants to introduce you to doubt and if we become friends with doubt, then we lack faith in some areas in our life. The associations with these hinder us from activating the promises of God in our life.

Here is what fear attempts to do, it wants to create a glitch in your relationship with God! It may seem reasonable because we have all experienced, hurt, frustrations and disappointments and it may have even seemed “as if” God had forgotten all about us, but you know that He did not. He promised us in His word that He would NEVER leave or forsake you (see Deuteronomy 31:8). We just have to learn to trust Him especially after we've been hurt. Here are three things to remember when walking in the Promise of God for your Protection. I have also provided additional scriptures for you to use in your daily walk with God.

  • Don’t trust your eyes, they can deceive you. (see 1 Peter 5:8) I’ve said this before in my teachings, don’t trust your eyes. Our eyes have an uncanny way of presenting a situation to us that does not line up with what is really happening around us. Why because if the enemy can keep our minds on untruths, he can deceive us in so many ways. For example, imagine that you walk in the room and when you walk in someone leans over and whispers to the person next to them, most of us would assume that the person, who leaned over and whispered was talking about us, in our head we are already assuming everything is wrong, becoming anxious about the situation, anticipating what our response will be. Because it “appeared that they were talking about us, but in fact what really happened, what we didn’t understand, see or hear is that she/he leaned over and said to their very close friend, “Hey your breath is a little tart today, let me give you a mint.” Our mind has this uncanny knack of playing tricks on us due to the fact that the enemy loves for us to be “fearful” of things, which in turn keeps us unstable. 1 Peter 5:8 says, “Be alert and of sober mind, your enemy the devil prowls around “LIKE” a roaring lion looking for someone to devour”. He didn’t say HE was a lion, He said like one, meaning presenting the image of something that he isn’t. And even if he was a lion, the Lord already gave us the biblical promise that, No weapon formed against us shall prosper (see Isaiah 54:17). So no matter what this situation “looks” Like tap into the biblical promises God has for you.

  • Stop associating “this with that” (see Isaiah 43:19) We have all been through some things, in some situations in which something didn’t go right, something bad happened. That relationship and person that we were in love with hurt or broke our heart……… We were robbed of something, a business didn’t work in that period of our lives…….. We were believing God for a baby and we had a miscarriage……….we tried that before and that didn’t work……we have a hard time in relationships with people because this person hurt me…….. Well if we are going to experience the fullness and promises of God in our life, we have to stop associating “this” with “that. This isn’t that. Because what we have said is, God I am not going to trust you again in this area in my life! And you may say, “No I am not going to trust people again, but you were never meant to “trust” people to begin with you, were to “trust God” and love people. God has plans to restore you even when the canker worm and the locust have eaten at you. He wants to do a new thing in you but He can’t, if you don’t understand His promise for you. Even if something didn’t work the “first time” doesn’t mean it won’t work the second time. Isaiah 43:19 says, “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” “This” isn’t “that”, so you are going to have to trust that God, has got your back and wants to restore a new thing unto you.

  • Trust God all over again. (see Psalms 20:7) You have to realize that God doesn’t go back on His word, He never lost you, He never forsakes you, and if the enemy can get us to stop trusting the promises of God in our life, he is winning. If he gets us to give up in prayer, then he wins in so many different ways. If he gets us to stop trusting God, then he knows he can defeat us.

  • Trust is a verb and a noun it is firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something or believes in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of. Often when something happens in our lives that we can’t explain, or it is harmful or we don’t get it, we have the ability to “lose trust”. Even after things fail, or things don’t go right, we have to trust God over again. The lack of trust comes from disappointment, hurt and pain. We often experience that in our relationships with people (the bible says trust no man, love man (see Psalms 118:8), but if we are going to believe and tap into the promises that God has for us, then we have to trust God again, and that includes even when are hearts have been broken. Between Josiah and Judah we were pregnant with a baby I had a miscarriage at around 15 weeks. I could have said, “You know what, I am never getting pregnant again!” But something rose up in me that said, “If I walk in this fear, the enemy is going to use this to rule in every area of my life, so you know what I am going to trust God again”. I had to guard myself with my truths and believe God that I would not miscarry again……and then there was Judah. Psalms 20:7 says, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.

Prayer: Father God, we thank you that the promises of God are yes and amen, that you promised that you would never leave or forsake us. That your hedge of protection is all around us, even when we can’t see it working in our lives. Please give us strength Holy Spirit as we learn to trust God, past our disappointments, past our hurts, past those dry places in our lives when we don’t “feel him”. Lord let us keep hope for you in all things, knowing that you have demonstrated love for us over again. Today we cast down every spirit of fear, worry and doubt. Yielding ourselves to your biblical principles and promises for safety in you. We love you and thank you in Jesus Name. Amen.

Additional scriptures on protection: Ephesians 1:11, Daniel 12:1, Isaiah 41:10, Luke 12:32 and Isaiah 54:17

No Doubt,


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