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Where are you Giving?

Where Are You Giving? ….…. By LaKisha M. Johnson

Proverbs 31:20, “She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.”

What motivates you to give? When do you give? Do you have a to reason to give? Do you give only because it “looks” like, someone needs you to give? Are you sensitive enough to the voice of God, to give when God says give? Do you only give, when God says give?

I remember one day I was in the gym and my boys had a basketball game. There was a lady in the gym, I didn’t know her at all, but the last couple of Saturdays the Holy Spirit had me pay attention to her. I watched her carefully; she was helping coach one of the teams. Her husband was in the gym as well, he was a big guy (tell you why I emphasized this in a second). One day the Lord had me sow a seed into her, I just walked up to her and handed her a little love note from God with a check in it, and said be blessed. The next weekend I saw her, she handed me a thank you note. I got in my car, and opened the note. She said, “You don’t know how much this blessed me, usually I am the one giving, and no one believes that I stand in need of anything (her husband was a professional football player). But it was good to know that, someone else thought of me and to especially know that God was thinking of me.”

You are the conduit for God, you are the extension of His hands and feet here on His earth, if He wants to give or get something to someone, He is going to give it through a person. Luke 6:38, “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall MEN give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” Giving is a part of God’s Kingdom system, if we get into place, nothing lacks and everything is gained.

Prayer: Father, I want the heart of a giver. I want you to bless me so that I can be extension of your hands and feet here on earth. Let me stand in need of nothing, so that I can be all I need and give abundantly. In Jesus Name. Amen

LaKisha M. Johnson is mom, author, motivational speaker, minister and teacher. She is the host of Coffee and Conversations on “facebook live” Monday-Friday at 5:00 am central standard time and Saturdays at 8:00 am central standard time. She hosts a pajama party for women, “Pillow Talk” several times throughout the year, walking them through God inspired truths, while providing a place of vulnerability and transparency to talk. To find out more information on her log on to and follow her on social media @justbeinglmj.

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