The Holy Ghost Don't Need No Help!
The Holy Ghost Don’t Need No Help ….…. By LaKisha M. Johnson
Romans 8:26, “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groaning’s too deep for words.”
I remember I was trying to make something happen, I couldn’t understand why and how it was happening the way that it was happening. So I thought I could force the way that it should go. I was getting frustrated, I didn’t have peace, I definitely wasn’t experiencing the joy of the Lord. It seems like my prayers weren’t be answered and I was really at a point, that I didn’t know what to do next. I had prayed everything I could stand to pray, I didn’t know what to pray next.
I was on the phone with my Godmother and she asked me, “Have you consulted the Holy Spirit on this? I told her, “I prayed about it, and I “feel” like the Lord…” She asked again, “Have you consulted the Holy Spirit on this?” I paused for a minute and thought, and I had not. She said, “LaKisha, the Holy Ghost don’t need your help.” I just sat there for a minute almost dumbfounded. She was right the Holy Spirit wasn’t advertising for an assistant. He the Holy Spirit had everything that I needed, He didn’t need me, I needed Him. I will be honest, as soon as I removed myself from the situation and allowed God, to do the greater work, things in this area of my life began to change, but I had to trust the Holy Spirit to go the right way, to bring the change and not LaKisha. In this, I saw what the fruit of patience (Galatians 5:22-26) should look like in my life, when I wait and do things God’s way and not LaKisha’s way. The Holy Ghost, definitely doesn’t need my help.
Prayer: Holy Spirit please forgive me for grieving you, for rushing you, for trying to go before you, instead of you going before me. I need you to help me, not me help you. In Jesus Name. Amen
LaKisha M. Johnson is mom, author, motivational speaker, minister and teacher. She is the host of Coffee and Conversations on “facebook live” Monday-Friday at 5:00 am central standard time and Saturdays at 8:00 am central standard time. She hosts a pajama party for women, “Pillow Talk” several times throughout the year, walking them through God inspired truths, while providing a place of vulnerability and transparency to talk. To find out more information on her log on to and follow her on social media @justbeinglmj.