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Do The Root Work!


Dear Friend,

Pride was my defense mechanism for dealing with the pain of my past (the insecurities and the low self esteem). One time I had an incident occur between a friend of mine that almost destroyed our relationship. Can I be honest? I was the problem. What happened in between my friend and I occurred because I couldn't find validation in our relationship. The reason I thought I needed validation, was because I trusted them with intimate places in my life. I trusted them with my friendship and my love. I felt as if they violated what i trusted them with, when they didn't show up for me when I thought they should have.

Instead of me dealing with this from a "sober perspective" I allowed pride to come to my defense, and as difficult and painful the situation was, I am actually glad, because it exposed a "root" and allowed me to see an area in my life, in which there was still " work" that needed to be done.

John 15: 1-7, reminds that God our father is the vine and we are the branches and if we are to remain in him, then the pruning processes is necessary for us. He has to expose the roots, so that we can remain in love, in peace and in His perfect will for our lives. This process was so painful for me, but it allowed me to search the areas in my life and ask myself. Why did i respond like this? Is this how God would want me to respond? Where did it really come from, what was the root of it? My friend, I want to challenge you to do the "root" work to, abide in the most High so that you can free yourself from the pain, and sensitive places from your past. I promise there is a freedom that will come to you and a "joy" that he promises you in John 15:9.

Constantly re-arranging my life for Christ,


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