Emergency Broadcast System
Dear Friends,
When we see the above image pop up on our television screen with an alert sound. We know two things are possibly taking place.
It’s an actual emergency.
They are just testing the Emergency Broadcast System.
John 14:26 (Amp) says, But the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, -Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name (In my place, to represent) me and act on my behalf…….
This verse of scripture in John, talks about the many attributes of the Holy Spirit. In studying them, Him being a “Standby” stood out to me.
Standby- is defined as, “one to be relied on, especially in emergencies.”
“as readiness for duty or immediate deployment.”
How many of us have really relied on the Holy Spirit as a person who is reliable, and on standby for immediate deployment in our lives? Well, let us not continue to deny our help any longer. He is on standby whether it is test, or a real emergency.
When He (the Holy Spirit) hears the alarm sound, which is our voices crying out to Him. He deploys immediately to be the backup we need.
Over 60 years ago the President of the US, put the Emergency Broadcast System in place as a form of communication to help alert the people in case of an emergency. Likewise, God sent His Holy Spirit as Helper thousands of years ago to communicate with His people, and to be there for us in case of an emergency.
God the Holy Spirit our faithful helper, we thank you for being a person on standby in our lives.
Tuned In,
Chanda Mallory is a mother, servant and a woman after God's own heart. She is an Administrative Analyst for the state of Arkansas. She is a mother to four (4) amazing children and proud wife of Don Mallory II. She is coordinator of homeless services and Coffee and Conversations Bible Studies for LMJ Ministries.
Watch today's Coffee and Conversations :The Help https://youtu.be/nxp5d8MQ8ds