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God and Goals

Dear Friend,

I am definitely a goal oriented person, as a matter of fact. I love to start every day with a check list! I don't keep an electronic calendar because I love to be able to check off my goals for today! I like the satisfaction to be able to look back and see what I accomplished. I use them as markers for accomplishing my task for the day, week, month and year. It feels good to reach my goals. My goals can vary throughout the day. Some are small goals to keep me on task, while other's are larger goals that fit within the bigger picture. Regardless I am always excited to reach the goal.

A few days ago I ran into an old journal. I had written a goal down, of "grow closer to God", I also stated the objective with it (all goals should have objectives), by spending 15 minutes more a day with God. While objectives are necessary, and I do believe in establishing a relationship with God, it is necessary to have some defined objectives, i had began to think on this a little bit more. How do i measure the success of this Goal? Am i measuring the quantity of my relationship with God? What about the quality of my relationship with God, is that at question? Am i limiting my relationship with God to my schedule, or am I focused on spending time with Him? Is it right to have God as a goal?

As I meditate on this the scripture comes in mind, John 15:7, "If anyone does not remain in Me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers. Such branches are gathered up, thrown into the fire, and burned. If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you." The King James version uses the word "abide" (to remain, continue, to stay). If I am abiding or remaining, then I am in a continuous relationship, that is not gauged by my time or my check list. It's is gauged by my attention, intention and desire to be in constant communion with God. So in essence God "as" a Goal means He is in comparison to something. What do you rightfully compare God to? But if I am to remain and establish a healthy relationship with Him, then God "is" (state of being) the Goal. God has to be the goal (uniquely intertwined) in every area of my life. God "is" the ULTIMATE GOAL!

God Is The Goal,


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