Dear Friend, Have you ever just explored your phone settings? I have! (I’m kinda a low key tech nerd...) It’s one thing to adjust the font size of your text or maybe change a ring tone. But one time I adjusted my phones touch sensitivity. My goodness! It was one of the worst things I could’ve done! My phone was soooooo ‘touchy’ I could barely get my finger close to screen and it reacted as if I clicked five different things at the same time. I had to move so slow and eventually I was able to restore the original settings! But it took patience. This moment reminded me of the ‘touchy’ places of our emotions. When we choose to be offended we ultimately become like a phone with ultra sensitive settings. I know there have been times when my settings were not adjusted to the Word of God and didn’t reflect the character of a Christ. I then was just like my phone. The slightest little touch set my off and I was not available for use! James 1:19 in the amplified version says, Understand this, my beloved brothers and sisters. Let everyone be quick to hear [be a careful, thoughtful listener], slow to speak [a speaker of carefully chosen words and], slow to anger [patient, reflective, forgiving] We should slow down and be sure our attitudes are adjusted according to what the Word says! Let us be at peace and rooted in Him today so we won’t be all over the place. We have work to do! And it can’t be accomplished if we are unstable. Adjusted by the Word, Jess
Check out today's Coffee and Conversations: Kingdom Kids