God the Creator!
Dear Friend,
In my reading for yesterday, it admonished me to just take the day to reflect on our God as Creator. Merriam-Webster defines creator as, “one that creates usually by something new or original into being.” On my morning commute, I intentionally gazed on the beauty of His creation. Just seeing how detailed He was and is as Creator, and how with each days dawn I can simply look up to see his masterpiece in the sky above. I listened to the birds singing their song, I could sense the cold crisp wind on my cheeks. I could feel my heart beating in my chest. I could see the vapor coming out of my mouth. I could actually sense the Creator’s presence all around me, just by reflecting on his creation. Often in the busyness of the day, we miss the beauty of the creation encompassing us, and His constant cues that yes, Chanda, (insert your name) I am still Creator.
Isaiah 40:28, confirms this concrete truth that God is the Creator of all. It says, “Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weary or weak. No one can measure the depths of his understanding.” Everything that we see in the universe he is the master craftsman’s behind it. Even in all his beauty that we see in the heavens above and the earth. He spoke all the things we see into existence, and it was so. However, when creating us (mankind) He didn’t just speak. He took it a step further. He took the time to fashion us in His image. Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female created he them.” Genesis 2:7, tells us that he breathed his life into his nostrils, and man became a living soul.”
Today on this first week of the New Year, let’s take the time to look around at all the amazing things that the Creator has created just for us. We shouldn’t have to look further than ourselves. Simply examine how detailed He was in designing you in your mother’s womb, and how with love he poured his finest into us. Everything that He has created was and still is good. So, today God, we take the time to thank you for being Creator of all creation. We thank you for planting your detail on creation, so as we grow, we are continually reminded of you as Creator in our lives.
You notice everything, and for that we desire to give you everything.
Your Creation,
Chanda Rose