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HE completes...

Good Morning Ladies (and few gents),

Today’s devotion included below “To The One Who Feels Unfinished” is a reminder from GiG Gwen that, “The journey from broken into beautiful is a lifelong transformation that requires time, discipline, and a Master Artist… The transformation from broken into beautiful is neither easy nor instantaneous. It demands a yielded heart and can be quite painful, but it comes with great reward.”

I too, often resist complements because I don’t see “the me” others see. I’ve become a master at deflecting the complements. Yup, I see the unfinished version—deeply flawed, battered, and bruised. So GiG, as I type today’s devotion, tears flood my eyes and onto my keyboard. I’ve had to stop several times and yield to the onslaught of emotions, Let me give you the backdrop…

I was talking to a Guyfriend-in-God yesterday and received great news about a colleague. Although I am happy for this person, throughout the night I began questioning God, “What about me?” “What’s wrong, haven’t I been faithful?” “Isn’t finishing what was started what you want me to do?” Needless to say it was a restless night. Time and time again in my spirit I kept hearing,“This is a necessary but challenging lesson, so hold on and be strong.”

Bottom line is plain and simple—insecurity and pride, an ugly two-sided coin that reared its ugly head. I believed I was content waiting, but Satan got me. My competitive nature rose up and kicked me in the gut. I began doubting all that I believed God was asking me to do. OUCH!

And then this morning I open my Bible to begin and there it is Psalm 27:14 NLT jumping off the page.

“Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.”

GiG, there are many lessons we can learn in God’s school of obedience. One being trusting the Lord, but the other is patience. No matter our circumstance, we must learn to wait upon the LORD.

I’ve often wondered why the psalmist added “be brave and courageous.” Well, I get it now. It’s there to encourage us. Keep our eyes on Him and not the situation or circumstances whether well-meaning or not. On the real, sometime delaying is the hardest thing. And as a formerly trained Navy seaman, my mind has been conditioned to stay in a state of readiness. Yet it takes courage to be still when the world is rushing past and opportunities seem scarce.

Maybe you can relate to what I’m saying. And you too need to push the pause button for fear of missing out.

GiG, I love God-timed reminders. And I simply love the way Dr. Stanley addresses this; “God leaves nothing to chance. He does not place a decision before us with the hope that we'll make the right choice. The Father is more than willing to show His children what to do, because He is personally interested in their welfare.”

Lord, I thank you for pressing to the front of my mind that Dr. Stanley sermon of long ago. And I thank you God that the wreath on my head reads, “Restoration in Progress.”

May we be encouraged to wait on God and His timing above all else. It can be tough, but we need to be tough too.

Have a “Fabulous” Friday, January 10, 2019—remember good things come to those who wait upon the LORD. Go on, embrace being a DIVA

FAT Warrior (Divinely Inspired Victoriously Anointed Faithful Available Teachable)

Called to serve and encouraging others to thrive,


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