Open Your Mouth
Dear Friend, We say a lot throughout the day. When we speak we either give commands, make declarations/statements, or ask questions. Have you ever paid attention to what you actually say and why? And then further more, have you looked at the results of what you have been speaking. Have you ever considered that things in your may not have changed because you have not spoke to it or asked God to give the strategic plan to resolve it? I’ve haven’t always, but recently I have been working on being more sensitive to the words I speak. More specifically in prayer, I have noticed that I’ve have been more mindful about the statements and commands, but negligent in asking God questions. And I don’t mean questions like, “Why won’t you?” Or, “Why couldn’t I?” I haven’t been asking Him about my hearts desires. I haven’t been asking Him specifics on things that I think I already know how He will answer. A lot of my hesitation has come from holding on to past disappointments or discouragements. I’ll admit, some of the time my requests have been from a place of selflessness and immaturity. But if the Word tells us that He will give us our hearts desire then why not ask for them! Now don’t get wrong this is not magic or a genie in the bottle and rub the lamp scenario. This is Kingdom. This is what He longs to do for us as His children! In 1 John 5:14, the Word tells us that we can confidently approach God and if we ask anything according to His will he will answer us! Spend time with the Father in prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you pray and ask the right questions! Remember He hears you and He will answers your prayer. God cannot answer the question you never ask! Open your mouth and make your request known! (Philippians 4:6) Making more requests. Jess