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Be Strong....

Dear Beloved,

Deuteronomy 31:6, "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."

I wrote these words below a week ago. I opened up my journal trying to see what I might impart with you all for this week. I had forgotten the words I wrote below. Yesterday and this morning I awoke with a heavy heart. So much of what I have been seeing and experiencing these past few months have been discouraging. It’s as if the Lord knew I would need these words today, I read them with tears in my eyes, as I am reminded to trust in my savior; as I am reminded that no weapon formed against me will prosper. As I remember that I am called to be strong and courageous and to not be discouraged because my father is with me and he won’t, he won't, he WON'T fail me. I hope you too are encouraged and reminded as I needed to be this morning.

Find the truth in your rhythm. When God calls you he gives you a plan. Believe in that plan, trust in that plan, trust in the one who gave you the plan, even when it doesn’t make sense. Often we’re given a simple task like, getting up at 4 AM during the week. Although it seems small this habitual task may be the key to breaking a generational curse of laziness. There is no way to know everything, so with that knowledge, it is important to trust the voice of the Spirit and to trust the plan that the Spirit gives.

Do this because in following the plan you say to God this doesn’t make sense but I trust you and I know that following this will get me to where I need to be. I believe that you are lining everything up. Sooo as you are making the bed find your purpose in making the bed. As you brush your teeth. As you set your alarm for 4Am, as you make dinner, as you clock in, as you devote yourself to a daily meditative practice...find your purpose. It is in these rituals that you will slowly, but surely, awaken the best things. As one of my mentors writes, “purpose becomes your vengeance for the inadequate places in your life.”

Open your eyes in this season of growth. That way no stone is left unturned allowing you to tap into to all the power within. Relax, fall into the Father’s arms as you experience your awakening.

Abundantly With Love,

The Anonymous Wife

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