Unnecessary Mess
Dear Friends,
I want to share with you a devotional that I read “God Is With You Every Day” which is a 365-Day Devotional by Max Lucado.
This devotional is called, “Unnecessary Messes!”
Psalm 47:2, (TPT) “The Lord God Most High is astonishing, awesome beyond words! He’s the formidable and powerful King over all the earth.”
May I make a suggestion? Before you face the world, face your Father. Here is how it works! It’s Monday morning. The alarm clock lives up to its name. Clang! Clang! Clang! You groan, roll over, and sit up. In the old days you would have made the coffee and turned on the news. But today you turn to your Father. You don’t look like much: face pillow creased, hair smashed. No matter. You haven’t come to look at you. You have come to look at God. Father, my Daddy……The words come slowly at first. But you stay at it. The weather is bad, the economy is bad, but, God, you are awesome. Don’t underestimate the power of this moment. You just opened the door to God and welcomed truth to enter your heart. Faith sneaked in while despair was dozing. Who knows, you might start to worship. Father, you are good. You consult no clock. You keep no calendar. You report to no one. You are good! Is your world different because you prayed? In one sense, no. Wars still rage, traffic still clogs, and heartbreakers still roam the planet. But you are different. You have peace. You’ve spent time with the Father. And the Father is up to the task. -Before Amen-
This devotional was a great reminder on how we can avoid unnecessary messes by taking the time to seek God first. It’s in the seeking that we find Him, and receive all we need face the day. Do you need more energy to face the day? Do you need more of His power to endure what the day may bring? The Psalmist David knew just where to go to get a dose of both.
Psalms 63:2-4 (TPT) “ I’m energized every time I enter your heavenly sanctuary to seek more of your power and drink in more of your glory. 3) For you tender mercies mean more to me than life itself. How I love and praise you, God!. 4) Daily I will worship you passionately and with all my heart. My arms will wave to you like banners of praise.
Every thing we need to avoid messes, and to clean them up is found in God’s presence. Seek it first, seek it often! He’s waiting on you!
Seeking God First,
Chanda Rose
(The Passion Translation)