Nourish me Lord!
Dear Friend,
Jeremiah 31:25 (message bible) “I’ll refresh tired bodies; I’ll refresh tired souls.”
As women, we often nourish those around us in our own strength, but we don’t always easily receive the nourishment of others in our weakness. In the above passage of scripture, I believe the Lord is trying to get us to receive him as Nourisher. God is the Almighty God (see Genesis 17:1). Almighty God in Hebrew mean El Shaddai.
Scofield Commentaries says, “he qualifying word Shaddai is formed from the Hebrew word "shad," the breast, invariably used in Scripture for a woman's breast Shaddai therefore means primarily "the breasted." God is "Shaddai," He is the Nourisher, the Strength-giver and in a secondary sense, the Satisfier, who pours himself into believing lives. As a fretful, unsatisfied babe is not only strengthened and nourished from the mother's breast, but also is quieted, rested, satisfied, so El Shaddai is the Strength-giver and Satisfier of His people.”
As women, we allow both our husband and children to be nourished from the sensitivity of our breast. It is important that we know “El Shaddai” as nourisher and allow him to replenish us. We as nourishers have to know the importance of being nourished. We need to learn to climb up into lap of the “Breasted One”, and be refreshed. In order for us to continue to be effective in bringing His nourishment to others, we have to be able to receive from the “Nourisher” Himself. We can’t continue to give properly, if we haven’t fully embraced the importance of receiving.
If we are feeling malnourished in any area of your life, then it’s an indication that we are in need of the nourishment of “El Shaddai”. He knows how to strengthen us in those areas, and satisfy them as well.
Isaiah 58:11 NIV, “The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.”
Prayer: Holy Spirit show us where we are malnourished, and let’s us love ourselves enough to run to the nourishment of the “Breast One…El Shaddai.”
He Is My Nourisher,
Chanda Rose