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Accidents Happen

Dear Friend,

My first car accident was one that I would always remember. I miss judged the distance and speed a car was traveling while I was attempting to make a left turn. The result of failing to yield caused the vehicle to hit the back of my car on my through the intersection.

I made it through but I panicked. I then continued to turn the wheel and stomp the gas pedal as if I didn’t clear the turn. My car jumped the median and then I ran into a car waiting to turn and go the opposite direction! In the moment of not tackling the overwhelming fear I overcorrected and caused more damage! When we overreact we add more injury to an already present insult.

Life happens, accidents happen, but in the moment we must remain clear headed. The accident wasn’t supposed to be that bad. It’s should’ve been a two car accident but then turned into a three accident all because I freaked out and didn’t operate in self control!

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

2 Timothy 1:7 | NLT

This spirit of power, love, and sound mind/self control is not just for crisis situations. It’s for everyone, everything, and at all times! Anytime we don’t operate in these, the marauders named fear, worry, doubt, unbelief, frustration and anything else show up to sabotage our present to try to high jack our future!

Let us shut the door on fear and walk in Faith!

Remain calm,


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