He Loves Me by Jessica M.
Dear Friend,
The love of God is most powerful force in the universe! It has the power to protect, secure, rescue, heal, direct, soften, support, soothe, comfort, correct, encourage...the list is truly infinite! Love itself is God! Love is Jesus! And that itself is far too much to be contained in our mere words! He is life itself! And the beauty of His love is that we cannot be separated from it! Because of Jesus we have open and complete access to the fullness of all that He is! The wealth of who God is goes far beyond the tangible! His peace is unending! His joy is unspeakable! And we have access to Him not just here in the Earth but for all eternity!
Beloved I want to remind you today just how much the Father loves you! Nothing you’ve done or will do will make Him love you any less! When Christ died on the cross God took all the anger He had for sin and mans mistakes out on Jesus! God will never forsake us or leave and His love will forever cover us! Cancel out any lies of the enemy that would attempt to say that you are too far gone for God to Iove you! Romans 8:38-39 reminds us of this truth!
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
God loves you with an unfailing love! And if you have missed or when you do...repent and set the record straight! Receive the Father’s grace and love for you! He loves us so much! Besides life’s too short to live stressed when you’re JessBlessed!
