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I Receive...

Dear Friends “For we have all sinned and are in need if the glory of God. “(Romans 3:23 TPT) The above scripture is a quick reminder that I needed and will always need the deliverance of a Savior, and that deliverance can in no way ever be earned. It can only be received by faith. If I am to overcome the bondages in my life, it will only happen by faith in God’s word. Again, let me reiterated that deliverance cannot be earned! Only Christ the redeemer of all sins can grant us liberty, He can assure us true deliverance. We must come to a place of honesty and transparency in God’s presence, as He is already well aware of the bondage in our lives. We must come boldly to Him, so that we can get the deliverance we need. I have discovered that when I am open and honest with God, it becomes the prerequisite for my freedom (deliverance). If I am honest it’s only the places that I am not open with Him, that still hold me hostage. Each day I make a decision to stop performing, and with desperation and utter dependence on God alone. I, run right to His feet admitting my faults, shortcomings, and areas of bondage. No longer am I trying to earn His deliverance, but just receiving it.
Hebrews 4:16 msg, “....So let’s us walk right up to Him and get what He is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help.”
Prayer: Lord, I receive your deliverance from_____, and I thank you that I overcome by the Word, the Blood, and your Spirit. In Jesus name, Amen. I Receive His Deliverance, Chanda Rose


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